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The Top Smart Cities in the World

Smart cities come from the analysis of data to make decisions and build technological applications to solve their main issues, some of which are population density and contamination. Many governments around the globe are choosing to invest in technology, big data and the internet of things to manage the day to day operations in their cities. 

On a previous post, we touched on the aspects and solutions that define what a smart city is or what makes a city smart. Today, we want to take a look at the smartest cities in the world. 


Which are the Top Smart Cities in the World?

We often hear of innovations in transportation or urban planning in our cities, but, which cities are thriving in the Smart City barometer? A study conducted by IESE Business School analyzed 165 cities from 80 countries and created a ranking of those that are more advanced in the use of data and technology to improve city life. 



Top Smart City: New York 

Listing economy and urban planning as its main strengths, New York takes the pie as one of the top smart cities in the world. 

Some of its smart advantages are their bike-share systems to improve transportation and a connected streets platform that allows city hall to learn about ins and outs of what's happening in the streets: parking and pedestrians.



Europe Leading in Smart Cities

Europe has 12 cities ranking in the Top 25, some of which include London, Paris, Reykjavik, and Amsterdam in the Top 10. And with the help of the The European Innovation Partnership on Smart Cities and Communities (EIP-SCC) (which provides initiatives, conferences, and hubs to discuss ideas for improvement and development of smart cities across Europe), Europe aims to have 300+ smart cities by the end of 2019. 

The focus of the Smart City industry is to improve the lives of citizens and provide better infrastructures and services. We can only let our imagination run wild about the applications that can be built now with the help of new tech like AI and 5G network. It's certainly interesting to see the partnership between technology, integrated data platforms, and the public-private sector.