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Sign up for your free account

Expert account

Sign for this FREE account if you
want to offer your services as a

  • Long duration Project opportunities
  • Access to global opportunities
  • 0% commission on your Fee
  • Professional Agent engine
  • Fully Customizable Profile
  • Get certified by industry Gurus
  • Unlimited Expert 2 Expert forum
  • Project admin support
  • Promotion Campaigns (certified experts)

Why all this for free?

  • We only charge a commission to the Clients, typically on top of your agreed fees for any confirmed engagement (project).
  • We may agree with you a 1-day-fee on projects longer than 2 months.

How it works

1. Join the network

2. Complete your

3. Receive job
opportunities and apply
if it interests you

4. Get hired

Client account

Sign for this FREE account to start
posting Job requests and source
Top talent on demand

  • Unlimited search Requests
  • Access to certified Talent
  • Advanced Matching engine
  • Request setup Wizard
  • Unlimited Questions to the Network
  • Personal Account Manager
  • Candidate certification by Guru
  • Legal, Tax, Admin support

When do I pay?

  • You only pay for the services delivered to you, based upon the agreed conditions of any confirmed engagement of an Expert.
  • Billing is month-based.

How it works

1. Post the project
requirements and fine-tune
with your account manager

2. Outvise platform will
deliver relevant freelancers
within 48h

3. Review the certified
candidates, negotiate and
hire your favourite one

4. Relax with automated
paperwork and monthly

Frequently Asked Questions

FAQ for Clients

If your organisation hires freelancers or wants to start hiring freelancers to support its most innovative projects, then you should sign up for a Client account.
In a few words, you can Post project requests, Find, Review and Interview suitable freelancers, and eventually Hire your favourite ones. All this directly from the platform and with the support of a dedicated account manager to help you fine-tune your requests and manage everything, from A to Z.
The Outvise network is composed by seasoned Freelancers - management consultants, business consultants, project managers and subject matter experts across commercial, technology and corporate support functions... - specialised in Digital transformation, TMT and the most edgy technologies. Thanks to this specialisation, we can focus on precision and quality, way beyond any generic competition. Through multi-angled, strict and fast selection processes by Industry experts, we can bring you the most relevant and certified freelancers for your projects needs.

Signing up as a Client, Posting project requests, Reviewing or Interviewing proposed freelancers, Asking them any question... all this is is 100% FREE and unlimited

But yes, we too need to earn money at some point ;-)

Your organisation shall pay for the consulting time delivered by the freelancers that you have hired, the "fees". It is a very transparent process : these "fees" already include the +25% Outvise commission.

Example : if you hire a freelancer for a 4 weeks project with, let's say, 16 working days, at a rate of 600 euros / day, the total cost for your organisation will be of 16 x 600 = 9.600 euros. 7.200 euros go for the consultant, 2.400 go for Outvise. We told you, it is that transparent!

We use 4 layers to ensure the quality of the freelancers you may hire.

Restricted expert membership in the Network.
Only expert freelancers with proven track record in the Digital & TMT sector shall be accepted in the network. However, that is only the very beginning of the quality insurance process...

Certification by Industry experts.
For every project requirements you post, one of our Outvise Scouts, who are subject matter experts in the type of project that you have posted, will check and help fine-tune your project requirements and scope, then certify accordingly the short-listed candidates. This is a unique and highly differentiating feature at Outvise.

Referrals check.
A good "old" referral check may be useful to complete the skills screening and to validate the fit at every level: soft skills, culture, etc.

Feedback on the delivery.
Years of accumulated and project-specific feedback offer you the strongest confidence on the experts quality and on their delivery.

You may stress out any concern to your account manager. From there we may help reorienting the freelancer work, or arrange a substitution, at no extra cost for you.

You create a project Request.
Once you have signed up for a Client account, you may create your first project Request to start searching for freelancers. Configure the requirements in a few clicks, thanks to our industry-specific Request Setup Wizard.

You will then be contacted by an account manager to help you adjust the scope and requirements if needed.

You receive the first validated proposals in 48h.
You will start receiving screened and relevant freelancers proposals in 24h to 48h after having published your project request. Meanwhile, you may invite some AI-suggested profiles to apply for the selection process.

The platform lets you review the complete profile and CV of the short-listed candidates, as well as their pitch and economic proposal. From there you can request one-to-one interviews to make your final choice and/or negotiate the conditions. You may modify the project requirements on the go with the assistance of your Account Manager.

You hire your freelancer.
Once you have located the perfect freelancer for your project, you just confirm the engagement and agreed conditions. NOTE : there is no obligation to hire any freelancer and you may abandon the process at any stage.

You choose.

Our freelance experts would typically work wherever your company is located. If needed, travel expenses will be included in the agreed fees or billed aside according to travel policies.

However, many of the projects can be delivered remotely allowing you to find the right candidate from a truly global pool of experts and in many cases at a far better cost.

In any case, this is agreed in the selection process as part of the project requirements.

If your are working at a company which is embarking or pushing on Digital transformation, moreover if your core is TMT (but not only), then keep reading.

We will connect you to the right talent, certified experts ready to provide strategic, operational or technical support on any project or new initiative, in an agile and cost-effective way.

We give you access to a global community of specialized freelancers across many geographies, available for short assignments or for longer term projects.

FAQ for Experts

Outvise is a unique and exclusive global community of highly qualified TMT (Telecom, Media and Technology) & Digital professionals and consultants.

If you are offering your services as a Freelancer and fit in the above-mentioned category, then you should sign up for an Expert account.

However, to become a member of the Outvise network, you must meet certain requirements. See next.

Signing up as an expert freelancer, Becoming a member of the Outvise network and Applying for project opportunities is 100% FREE and unlimited.

When you get hired for a project, Outvise adds its commission on top of the fees you propose to execute the project. In addition to this, if your project is longer than 2 months we will charge you a placement fee equivalent to one day of work.

If you have a proven track record in the TMT industry and/or Digital transformation, as a management consultant, project manager, or technology specialist / subject matter expert, as well as a solid academic background, then you have strong chances to get through our Onboarding process.

Once you are in...

Before we present you to a potential client, we will run a number of extra steps to ensure the right fit with the client needs. These will include:
- Strong matching index driven by experience, skills and certifications
- Review and check of your CV through a brief phone interview
- Possibly performing a quick certification interview with an Outvise Scout to validate certain skills.
- Gathering of possible past references from other projects or recommendations.

Through and thanks to this process, we will certificate your background and skills and provide you access to exclusive and thrilling professional projects and opportunities.

Once you are part of the Outvise Network, you will have access to a number of opportunities that match your skills and experience.

You can apply to them via the platform.
You shall also receive highly targeted emails with opportunities we consider relevant for you.
And last but not least, Clients may decide to invite you to apply whenever our matching engine automatically suggests your profile as a good match for one of their active projects!

If you apply, you will then enter the selection process for this specific assignment.

Outvise does all the paper work for you so you don’t have to worry and can focus on delivering the best to the Client.

Once you have been selected on a project, Outvise will issue you a contract with a clear definition of project objectives, scope, milestones and deliverables.

Depending on the size of the project, payment will either be made upon final approved deliverable, monthly or after each of the approved milestones.

As an indeopendent expert, you will have to invoice Outvise for the agreed amount and attach timesheets and possible expenses (if applicable). Once we receive payment from the client we will pay you via bank transfer to an account of your choice. Depending on the project we can offer advanced payments as soon as clients have approved timesheets.

Expert to Expert or E2E is a free expert forum service. It has been designed to help you get relevant answers to the questions you may have on Digital & TMT topics. Once you post your question, our algorithm will target and require the help of the most relevant experts in the Network for the addressed subject. Of course, as an expert yourself, from time to time we may also ask you to help other members by sharing some views, advices or recommendations to explore further a topic... which is by the way an excellent way to promote your knowledge and skills.

FAQ on Outvise in general

Outvise was founded in 2014 in Barcelona, the home city of the Mobile World Congress!

We completed and launched our fully automated and end-to-end platform in March of 2020.

Outvise was created to help both Telecom, Media and Technology companies across all areas and medium to large companies that are embarking in a digital transformation to gain access to the right talent and relevant expertise, at a fraction of the cost of the traditional management consultancies.

We are able to provide the right talent with the precise set of skills through our extensive network of experts, enabling corporates to enrich their teams in an agile and cost-efficient way and for the first time giving access to world class talent to smaller companies that previously did not have access to such talent. We directly connect companies with senior experts who have a real understanding of the industry, relevant experience and effective delivery capacity, as opposed to the traditional consulting model which offers young consultants who are learning on the job… often at the client expense.

At Outvise, we decided to bring a new way of delivering consulting services, with a greater focus on the company needs. So the companies get the right people and the right team, not more and not less. With no need for extended teams or costly overheads.

Our mission is to find and connect the best Digital & TMT independent experts with companies that require deep expertise to deliver on their projects. We do this by building and managing a global community of specialized Digital & TMT freelancers, finding collaborative ways to serve our clients and understanding corporate project needs to deliver greater value and satisfaction to both parties, our Clients and our Expert freelancers.

Outvise has a global network of professionals and is happy to deliver projects in almost any country.

Outvise is headquartered in Barcelona, the home city of the Mobile World Congress. Additionally we do have Outvise representatives in key markets and geographical areas such as Central Europe (UK and Germany), Middle East and Africa.